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Author Archives | resquivel

resquivel - who has written 173 posts on ADNI.

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ADNI 3 Cessation of preprocessed MPRAGE/IRFSPGR scan generation

Friday, October 7, 2016

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During ADNI1, GO and 2 the Mayo ADIRL provided “preprocessed” MRI scans for the MPRAGE/IRFSPGR (3D T1) series for use by the processing sites and general research community. This preprocessing included gradient warp and multichannel head coil image inhomogeneity effects that were not corrected online by some (most) scanner models at that time.  Today however, […]

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New Dataset Available from the Blennow Lab- ADNI1 Plasma NFL Results

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

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A new dataset  from the Blennow Lab is available in the Download section of the ADNI archive. The dataset is called ‘Blennow Lab ADNI1 Plasma neurofilament light (NFL) [ADNI1] ‘, version 2016-09-27, and can be found under Biospecimen Results.

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New CSF Hemoglobin ELISA and PS129 Luminex Assays Dataset Now Available

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

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New CSF Hemoglobin ELISA and PS129 Luminex Assays dataset from Zhang Lab, University of Washington is now available in the Download section of the ADNI archive – Study Data>Biospecimen.

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Updated MRI MCH Results Available

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

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Updated MRI micro-hemorrhage assessment results from the Jack Lab at Mayo are available in the Download section of the ADNI archive. The dataset is called ‘Mayo (Jack Lab) – ADNI MRI MCH [ADNIGO,2]‘, version 2016-09-15, and can be found under Imaging, MR Image Quality.

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Updated TBM-SyN Based Scores Results Available

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

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Updated TBM-Syn assessment results from the Jack Lab at Mayo are available in the Download section of the ADNI archive. The dataset is called ‘Mayo (Jack Lab) – TBM-SyN Based Scores [ADNIGO,2]‘, version 2016-09-15, and can be found under Imaging, MR Image Analysis.

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Updated Default Mode Network Connectivity Summaries Available

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

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Updated Default Mode Network Connectivity dataset from the Jack Lab is now available in the Download section of the ADNI archive. The dataset is named ‘Mayo (Jack Lab) – Default Mode Network Connectivity [ADNIGO,2]‘, version 2016-09-15, and can be found under Imaging, MR Image Analysis.

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Updated PET NMRC Summaries Now Available

Thursday, September 15, 2016

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Updated Banner Alzheimer’s Institute PET NMRC Summaries are now available in the Download section of the ADNI archive. The dataset is named BAI – PET NMRC Summaries, version 2016-09-12, and can be found under PET Imaging Analysis.

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Updated MRI NMRC Summaries now available

Thursday, September 15, 2016

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Updated Banner Alzheimer’s Institute MRI NMRC Summaries are now available in the Download section of the ADNI archive. The dataset is named BAI – MRI NMRC Summaries, version 2016-09-12, and can be found under MRI Imaging Analysis.

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UPENN – 2D-UPLC Tandem Mass Spectrometry Measurement of Abeta42, Abeta40 and Abeta38 Now Available

Monday, August 29, 2016

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New UPENN – 2D-UPLC tandem mass spectrometry measurement of Abeta42, Abeta40 and Abeta38 in ADNI1 baseline CSF data set now available from the Download section of the ADNI archive.

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New Metabolomics Data Provided by ADMC is Now Available

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

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New Metabolomics data provided by the Alzheimer’s Disease Metabolomics Consortium (ADMC- http://sites.duke.edu/adnimetab/) is now available: ‘ADMC Targeted UHPLC-MS analysis of High-Value Metabolites in Serum Samples [ADNI1]’ ‘ADMC Lipidomic analysis by UPLC-QTOF mass spectrometry  [ADNI1]’ Datasets can be downloaded from the Download section of the website in Biospecimen Results subsection.

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