
ADNI publication pdfs can be searched by year, journal, author, or keyword using the search boxes below.

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4453 Total Publications

Year Title Author Journal
2021 Subtyping of mild cognitive impairment using a deep learning model based on brain atrophy patterns Kwak, K, Giovanello, KS, Bozoki, A, Styner, M, Dayan, E and Alzheimer's Dis Neuroimaging, I Journal Cell Reports Medicine;
2021 Longitudinal predictive modeling of tau progression along the structural connectome Yang, F, Chowdhury, SR, Jacobs, HIL, Sepulcre, J, Wedeen, VJ, Johnson, KA and Dutta, J Journal Neuroimage;
2021 Influence of common reference regions on regional tau patterns in cross-sectional and longitudinal F-18 -AV-1451 PET data Young, CB, Landau, SM, Harrison, TM, Poston, KL, Mormino, EC and Adni Journal Neuroimage;
2021 Optimizing differential identifiability improves connectome predictive modeling of cognitive deficits from functional connectivity in Alzheimer's disease Svaldi, DO, Goñi, J, Abbas, K, Amico, E, Clark, DG, Muralidharan, C, Dzemidzic, M, West, JD, Risacher, SL, Saykin, AJ and Apostolova, LG Journal Hum Brain Mapp;
2021 Orientational changes of white matter fibers in Alzheimer's disease and amnestic mild cognitive impairment Zhao, HC, Cheng, J, Liu, T, Jiang, JY, Koch, F, Sachdev, PS, Basser, PJ and Wen, W Journal Human Brain Mapping;
2021 Estimation of Discrete Survival Function through Modeling Diagnostic Accuracy for Mismeasured Outcome Data Joeng, HK, Adeniji, AK, Ting, N and Chen, MH Journal Statistics in Biosciences;
2021 Simultaneous modeling of Alzheimer's disease progression via multiple cognitive scales Kuhnel, L, Berger, AK, Markussen, B and Raket, LL Journal Statistics in Medicine;
2021 Regression analysis of censored data with nonignorable missing covariates and application to Alzheimer Disease Du, MY, Li, HQ and Sun, JG Journal Computational Statistics & Data Analysis;
2021 Statistical Agnostic Mapping: A framework in neuroimaging based on concentration inequalities Gorriz, JM, Jimenez-Mesa, C, Romero-Garcia, R, Segovia, F, Ramirez, J, Castillo-Barnes, D, Martinez-Murcia, FJ, Ortiz, A, Salas-Gonzalez, D, Illan, IA, Puntonet, CG, Lopez-Garcia, D, Gomez-Rio, M and Suckling, J Journal Information Fusion;
2021 Improving Sensitivity of Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion MRI in Alzheimer's Disease Using Transfer Learning of Deep Learning-Based ASL Denoising Zhang, L, Xie, DF, Li, YR, Camargo, A, Song, DH, Lu, T, Jeudy, J, Dreizin, D, Melhem, ER, Wang, Z and Alzheimer's Dis Neuroimaging, I Journal Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging;
2024 Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
This website is funded by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative