
ADNI publication pdfs can be searched by year, journal, author, or keyword using the search boxes below.

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4453 Total Publications

Year Title Author Journal
2022 Varying-coefficient hidden Markov models with zero-effect regions Liu, H, Song, X and Zhang, B Journal Computational Statistics & Data Analysis;
2022 Categorical predictive and disease progression modeling in the early stage of Alzheimer’s disease Platero, C Journal Journal of Neuroscience Methods;
2022 MRI-based model for MCI conversion using deep zero-shot transfer learning Ren, FJ, Yang, CH and Nanehkaran, YA Journal Journal of Supercomputing;
2022 Investigating the temporal pattern of neuroimaging-based brain age estimation as a biomarker for Alzheimer_s Disease related neurodegeneration Taylor, A, Zhang, F, Niu, X, Heywood, A, Stocks, J, Feng, G, Popuri, K, Beg, MF and Wang, L Journal Neuroimage;
2022 Comparative Analysis of Alzheimer_s Disease Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers Measurement by Multiplex SOMAscan Platform and Immunoassay-Based Approach Timsina, J, Gomez-Fonseca, D, Wang, L, Do, A, Western, D, Alvarez, I, Aguilar, M, Pastor, P, Henson, RL, Herries, E, Xiong, C, Schindler, SE, Fagan, AM, Bateman, RJ, Farlow, M, Morris, JC, Perrin, R, Moulder, K, Hassenstab, J, Chhatwal, J, Mori, H, Alzheimer_s Disease Neuroimaging, I, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network, C, Sung, YJ and Cruchaga, C Journal J Alzheimers Dis;
2022 MRI-Visible Perivascular Spaces Associated With Cognitive Impairment in Military Veterans With Traumatic Brain Injury Mediated by CSF P-Tau Wang, ML, Yang, DX, Sun, Z, Li, WB, Zou, QQ, Li, PY, Wu, X and Li, YH Journal Front Psychiatry;
2022 Early detection of Alzheimer's disease using single nucleotide polymorphisms analysis based on gradient boosting tree Ahmed, H, Soliman, H and Elmogy, M
2022 A multi-stream convolutional neural network for classification of progressive MCI in Alzheimer's disease using structural MRI images Ashtari-Majlan, M, Seifi, A and Dehshibi, MM
2022 Using Deep Learning Radiomics to Distinguish Cognitively Normal Adults at Risk of Alzheimer's Disease From Normal Control: An Exploratory Study Based on Structural MRI Jiang, J, Zhang, J, Li, Z, Li, L and Huang, B
2022 An association test of the spatial distribution of rare missense variants within protein structures identifies Alzheimer's disease-related patterns Jin, BW, Capra, JA, Benchek, P, Wheeler, N, Naj, AC, Hamilton-Nelson, KL, Farrell, JJ, Leung, YY, Kunkle, B, Vadarajan, B, Schellenberg, GD, Mayeux, R, Wang, LS, Farrer, LA, Pericak-Vance, MA, Martin, ER, Haines, JL, Crawford, DC and Bush, WS
2025 Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
This website is funded by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative