
ADNI publication pdfs can be searched by year, journal, author, or keyword using the search boxes below.

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4453 Total Publications

Year Title Author Journal
2015 Subjective memory complaint only relates to verbal episodic memory performance in mild cognitive impairment Gifford, K. A., Liu, D., Damon, S. M., Chapman, W. G., Romano Iii, R. R., Samuels, L. R., … Jefferson, A. L. Journal Journal of Alzheimer's Disease;
2015 A computational method for computing an Alzheimer’s disease progression score; experiments and validation with the ADNI data set Jedynak, B. M., Liu, B., Lang, A., Gel, Y., & Prince, J. L. Journal Neurobiology of Aging;
2015 Hippocampal Shape Modeling Based on a Progressive Template Surface Deformation and its Verification Kim, J, Valdes-Hernandez, MD, Royle, NA, Park, J, Lothian Birth, C and Alzheimer's Dis, N Journal Ieee Transactions on Medical Imaging;
2015 Improved Diagnostic Multimodal Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment Martinez-Torteya, A, Trevino, V and Tamez-Pena, JG Journal Biomed Research International;
2015 Modeling clustered activity increase in amyloid- beta positron emission tomographic images with statistical descriptors Shokouhi, S., Rogers, B. P., Kang, H., Ding, Z., Claassen, D. O., Mckay, J. W., & Riddle, W. R. Journal Clinical Interventions in Aging;
2015 Development and evaluation of a multiplexed mass spectrometry based assay for measuring candidate peptide biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) CSF Spellman, D. S., Wildsmith, K. R., Honigberg, L. A., Tuefferd, M., Baker, D., Raghavan, N., … Potter, W. Z. Journal Proteomics: Clinical Applications;
2015 Assessing treatment effects with surrogate survival outcomes using an internal validation subsample. Zee, J., & Xie, S. X. Journal Clinical Trials;
2015 White Matter Lesion Load Is Associated With Resting State Functional MRI Activity and Amyloid PET but not FDG in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Early Alzheimer's Disease Patients Zhou Y1, Yu F, Duong TQ; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Journal J Magn Reson Imaging.;
2015 Can Genetic Analysis of Putative Blood Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers Lead to Identification of Susceptibility Loci? Barber RC, Phillips NR, Tilson JL, et al. Journal PloS One;
2015 Temporal evolution of biomarkers and cognitive markers in the asymptomatic, MCI, and dementia stage of Alzheimer's disease Bertens, D., Knol, D. L., Scheltens, P., & Visser, P. J. Journal Alzheimer's and Dementia;
2025 Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
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