
ADNI publication pdfs can be searched by year, journal, author, or keyword using the search boxes below.

Year Range

4453 Total Publications

Year Title Author Journal
2011 The relative efficiency of time-to-threshold and rate of change in longitudinal data Donohue, M. C., Gamst, A. C., Thomas, R. G., Xu, R., Beckett, L., Petersen, R. C., … Aisen, P. Journal Contemporary Clinical Trials;
2011 False positives in neuroimaging genetics using voxel-based morphometry data Silver, M., Montana, G., & Nichols, T. E. Journal Neuroimage;
2011 Residual vectors for Alzheimer disease diagnosis and prognostication Clark, D. G. Journal Brain and Behavior;
2011 Fast and robust extraction of hippocampus from MR images for diagnostics of Alzheimer's disease Lötjönen J1, Wolz R, Koikkalainen J, Julkunen V, Thurfjell L, Lundqvist R, Waldemar G, Soininen H, Rueckert D; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Journal Neuroimage;
2011 Homocysteine effects on brain volumes mapped in 732 elderly individuals Rajagopalan, P., Hua, X., Toga, A. W., Jack, C. R., Weiner, M. W., & Thompson, P. M. Journal Neuroreport;
2011 Sparse Multi-Task Regression and Feature Selection to Identify Brain Imaging Predictors for Memory Performance Wang H1, Nie F1, Huang H1, Risacher S2, Ding C1, Saykin AJ2, Shen L2; ADNI. Journal Proc IEEE Int Conf Comput Vis;
2011 Regression-based label fusion for multi-atlas segmentation Wang H, Suh JW, Das S, Pluta J, Altinay M, Yushkevich P Journal Conf Comput Vis Pattern Recognit Workshops;
2011 Principal component analysis-based techniques and supervised classification schemes for the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease. López, M., Ramírez, J., Górriz, J. M., Álvarez, I., Salas-Gonzalez, D., Segovia, F., … Gómez-Río, M. Journal Neurocomputing;
2011 Surface-based TBM boosts power to detect disease effects on the brain: an N=804 ADNI study. Wang, Y., Song, Y., Rajagopalan, P., An, T., Liu, K., Chou, Y.-Y., … Thompson, P. M. Journal Neuroimage;
2011 Voxelwise gene-wide association study (vGeneWAS): Multivariate gene-based association testing in 731 elderly subjects Leung, K. K., Barnes, J., Modat, M., Ridgway, G. R., Bartlett, J. W., Fox, N. C., & Ourselin, S. Journal Neuroimage;
2025 Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
This website is funded by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative