
ADNI publication pdfs can be searched by year, journal, author, or keyword using the search boxes below.

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4453 Total Publications

Year Title Author Journal
2020 Memory impairment and Alzheimer's disease pathology in individuals with MCI who underestimate or overestimate their decline Bregman, N, Kavé, G, Zeltzer, E and Biran, I Journal Int J Geriatr Psychiatry;
2020 Self-reported obstructive sleep apnea, amyloid and tau burden, and Alzheimer's disease time-dependent progression Bubu, OM, Umasabor-Bubu, OQ, Turner, AD, Parekh, A, Mullins, AE, Kam, K, Birckbichler, MK, Mukhtar, F, Mbah, AK, Williams, NJ, Rapoport, DM, de Leon, M, Jean-Louis, G, Ayappa, I, Varga, AW, Osorio, RS and Alzheimers Dis Neuroimaging, I Journal Alzheimers & Dementia;
2020 Multi-View Based Multi-Model Learning for MCI Diagnosis Cao, P, Gao, J and Zhang, Z Journal Brain Sci;
2020 Identifying the best data-driven feature selection method for boosting reproducibility in classification tasks Georges, N, Mhiri, I, Rekik, I and Alzheimers Dis Neuroimaging, I Journal Pattern Recognition;
2020 A Likelihood Ratio Test for Gene-Environment Interaction Based on the Trend Effect of Genotype Under an Additive Risk Model Using the Gene-Environment Independence Assumption de Rochemonteix, M, Napolioni, V, Sanyal, N, Belloy, ME, Caporaso, NE, Landi, MT, Greicius, MD, Chatterjee, N and Han, SS Journal American Journal of Epidemiology;
2020 Women can bear a bigger burden: Ante-and post-mortem evidence for reserve in the face of tau Digma, LA, Madsen, JR, Rissman, RA, Jacobs, DM, Brewer, JB and Banks, SJ Journal Brain communications;
2020 Applying surface-based morphometry to study ventricular abnormalities of cognitively unimpaired subjects prior to clinically significant memory decline Dong, QX, Zhang, W, Stonnington, CM, Wu, JF, Gutman, BA, Chen, KW, Su, Y, Baxter, LC, Thompson, PM, Reiman, EM, Caselli, RJ and Wang, YL Journal Neuroimage-Clinical;
2020 Classification of Mild Cognitive Impairment Based on a Combined High-Order Network and Graph Convolutional Network Song, X, Elazab, A and Zhang, Y Journal IEEE Access;
2020 Optimal Sparse Linear Prediction for Block-missing Multi-modality Data Without Imputation Yu, G, Li, QF, Shen, DG and Liu, YF Journal Journal of the American Statistical Association;
2020 Multimodal multitask deep learning model for Alzheimer’s disease progression detection based on time series data El-Sappagh, S, Abuhmed, T, Islam, SR and Kwak, KS Journal Neurocomputing;
2025 Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
This website is funded by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative