
ADNI publication pdfs can be searched by year, journal, author, or keyword using the search boxes below.

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4453 Total Publications

Year Title Author Journal
2019 Deep learning-based classification of multi-categorical Alzheimer’s disease data Cohen, DS, Carpenter, KA, Jarrell, JT and Huang, X Journal Current Neurobiol;
2019 Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease using combined features from voxel-based morphometry and cortical, subcortical, and hippocampus regions of MRI T1 brain images Gupta, Y, Lee, KH, Choi, KY, Lee, JJ, Kim, BC and Kwon, GR Journal PLoS One;
2019 Polygenic hazard score, amyloid deposition and Alzheimer's neurodegeneration Tan, CH, Bonham, LW, Fan, CC, Mormino, EC, Sugrue, LP, Broce, IJ, Hess, CP, Yokoyama, JS, Rabinovici, GD, Miller, BL, Yaffe, K, Schellenberg, GD, Kauppi, K, Holland, D, McEvoy, LK, Kukull, WA, Tosun, D, Weiner, MW, Sperling, RA, Bennett, DA, Hyman, BT, Andreassen, OA, Dale, AM, Desikan, RS and Alzheimers Dis, N Journal Brain;
2019 Association of Apolipoprotein E epsilon4 With Medial Temporal Tau Independent of Amyloid-beta Therriault, J, Benedet, AL, Pascoal, TA, Mathotaarachchi, S, Chamoun, M, Savard, M, Thomas, E, Kang, MS, Lussier, F, Tissot, C, Parsons, M, Qureshi, MNI, Vitali, P, Massarweh, G, Soucy, JP, Rej, S, Saha-Chaudhuri, P, Gauthier, S and Rosa-Neto, P Journal JAMA Neurol;
2019 White matter hyperintensities and their relationship to cognition: Effects of segmentation algorithm Tubi, MA, Feingold, FW, Kothapalli, D, Hare, ET, King, KS, Thompson, PM and Braskie, MN Journal Neuroimage;
2019 Deep Residual Inception Encoder-Decoder Network for Medical Imaging Synthesis Gao, FW, T.: Chu, X.: Yoon, H.: Xu, Y.: Patel, B. Journal IEEE J Biomed Health Inform;
2019 Altered bile acid profile in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: Relationship to neuroimaging and CSF biomarkers Nho, K, Kueider-Paisley, A, MahmoudianDehkordi, S, Arnold, M, Risacher, SL, Louie, G, Blach, C, Baillie, R, Han, XL, Kastenmuller, G, Jia, W, Xie, GX, Ahmad, S, Hankemeier, T, van Duijn, CM, Trojanowski, JQ, Shaw, LM, Weiner, MW, Doraiswamy, PM, Saykin, AJ, Kaddurah-Daouk, R, Aisen, P, Weiner, M, Petersen, R, Jack, CR, Jagust, W, Trojanowki, JQ, Toga, AW, Beckett, L, Green, RC, Morris, J, Khachaturian, Z, Sorensen, G, Carrillo, M, Kuller, L, Raichle, M, Paul, S, Davies, P, Fillit, H, Hefti, F, Holtzman, D, Mesulam, MM, Potter, W, Snyder, P, Montine, T, Jimenez, G, Donohue, M, Gessert, D, Harless, K, Salazar, J, Cabrera, Y, Walter, S, Hergesheimer, L, Harvey, D, Bernstein, M, Fox, N, Thompson, P, Schuff, N, DeCarli, C, Borowski, B, Gunter, J, Senjem, M, Vemuri, P, Jones, D, Kantarci, K, Ward, C, Koeppe, RA, Foster, NR, Reiman, EM, Chen, KW, Mathis, C, Morris, JC, Cairns, NJ, Franklin, E, Taylor-Reinwald, L, Lee, V, Korecka, M, Figurski, M, Crawford, K, Neu, S, Foroud, TM, Potkin, S, Shen, L, Faber, K, Kim, S, Thal, L, Thal, L, Buckholtz, N, Snyder, PJ, Albert, M, Frank, R, Hsiao, J, Quinn, J, Silbert, LC, Lind, B, Kaye, JA, Carter, R, Dolen, S, Schneider, LS, Pawluczyk, S, Becerra, M, Teodoro, L, Spann, BM, Brewer, J, Vanderswag, H, Fleisher, A, Ziolkowski, J, Heidebrink, JL, Lord, JL, Mason, SS, Albers, CS, Knopman, D, Johnson, K, Villanueva-Meyer, J, Pavlik, V, Pacini, N, Lamb, A, Kass, JS, Doody, RS, Shibley, V, Chowdhury, M, Rountree, S, Dang, M, Stern, Y, Honig, LS, Bell, KL, Yeh, R, Ances, B, Winkfield, D, Carroll, M, Oliver, A, Creech, ML, Mintun, MA, Schneider, S, Marson, D, Geldmacher, D, Love, MN, Griffith, R, Clark, D, Brockington, J, Grossman, H, Mitsis, E, Shah, RC, Lamar, M, Samuels, P, Duara, R, Greig-Custo, MT, Rodriguez, R, Onyike, C, D'Agostino, D, Kielb, S, Sadowski, M, Sheikh, MO, Singleton-Garvin, J, Ulysse, A, Gaikwad, M, Petrella, JR, James, O, Borges-Neto, S, Wong, TZ, Coleman, E, Karlawish, JH, Wolk, DA, Vaishnavi, S, Clark, CM, Arnold, SE, Smith, CD, Jicha, G, Hardy, P, El Khouli, R, Oates, E, Conrad, G, Lopez, OL, Oakley, M, Simpson, DM, Porsteinsson, AP, Martin, K, Kowalksi, N, Keltz, M, Goldstein, BS, Makino, KM, Ismail, MS, Brand, C, Thai, G, Pierce, A, Yanez, B, Sosa, E, Witbracht, M, Womack, K, Mathews, D, Quiceno, M, Levey, AI, Lah, JJ, Cellar, JS, Burns, JM, Swerdlow, RH, Brooks, WM, Woo, E, Silverman, DHS, Teng, E, Kremen, S, Apostolova, L, Tingus, K, Lu, PH, Bartzokis, G, Graff-Radford, NR, Parfitt, F, Poki-Walker, K, Farlow, MR, Hake, AM, Matthews, BR, Brosch, JR, Herring, S, van Dyck, CH, Carson, RE, Varma, P, Chertkow, H, Bergman, H, Hosein, C, Black, S, Stefanovic, B, Heyn, C, Hsiung, GYR, Mudge, B, Sossi, V, Feldman, H, Assaly, M, Finger, E, Pasternack, S, Pavlosky, W, Rachinsky, I, Drost, D, Kertesz, A, Bernick, C, Munic, D, Mesulam, MM, Rogalski, E, Lipowski, K, Weintraub, S, Bonakdarpour, B, Kerwin, D, Wu, CK, Johnson, N, Sadowsky, C, Villena, T, Turner, RS, Johnson, K, Reynolds, B, Sperling, RA, Johnson, KA, Marshall, GA, Yesavage, J, Taylor, JL, Chao, S, Lane, B, Rosen, A, Tinklenberg, J, Zamrini, E, Belden, CM, Sirrel, SA, Kowall, N, Killiany, R, Budson, AE, Norbash, A, Johnson, PL, Obisesan, TO, Oyonumo, NE, Allard, J, Ogunlana, O, Lerner, A, Ogrocki, P, Tatsuoka, C, Fatica, P, Fletcher, E, Maillard, P, Olichney, J, Carmichael, O, Kittur, S, Borrie, M, Lee, TY, Bartha, R, Johnson, S, Asthana, S, Carlsson, CM, Tariot, P, Burke, A, Hetelle, J, DeMarco, K, Trncic, N, Reeder, S, Bates, V, Capote, H, Rainka, M, Scharre, DW, Kataki, M, Tarawneh, R, Zimmerman, EA, Celmins, D, Hart, D, Pearlson, GD, Blank, K, Anderson, K, Flashman, LA, Seltzer, M, Hynes, ML, Santulli, RB, Sink, KM, Yang, M, Mintz, A, Ott, BR, Tremont, G, Daiello, LA, Bodge, C, Salloway, S, Malloy, P, Correia, S, Lee, A, Rosen, HJ, Miller, BL, Perry, D, Mintzer, J, Spicer, K, Bachman, D, Pasternak, S, Rogers, J, Pomara, N, Hernando, R, Sarrael, A, Miller, DD, Smith, KE, Koleva, H, Nam, KW, Shim, H, Schultz, SK, Relkin, N, Chiang, G, Lin, M, Ravdin, L, Smith, A, Leach, C, Raj, BA, Fargher, K, Neylan, T, Grafman, J, Hayes, J, Finley, S, Landau, S, Householder, E, Fleischman, D, Arfanakis, K, Varon, D, Greig, MT, Goldstein, B, Martin, KS, Potkin, SG, Preda, A, Nguyen, D, Massoglia, D, Brawman-Mintzer, O, Martinez, W, Rosen, H, Behan, K, Marshall, G, Sabbagh, MN, Jacobson, SA, Wolday, S, Johnson, SC, Fruehling, JJ, Harding, S, Peskind, ER, Petrie, EC, Li, G, Yesavage, JA, Furst, AJ, Mackin, S, Raman, R, Drake, E, Donohue, M, Shaffer, E, Nelson, C, Bickford, D, Butters, M, Zmuda, M, Reyes, D, Faber, KM, Nudelman, KN, Au, YH, Scherer, K, Catalinotto, D, Stark, S, Ong, E, Fernandez, D, Alzheimers Dis Neuroimaging, I and Alzheimer Dis Metab, C Journal Alzheimers & Dementia;
2019 Associations among amyloid status, age, and longitudinal regional brain atrophy in cognitively unimpaired older adults Nosheny, RL, Insel, PS, Mattsson, N, Tosun, D, Buckley, S, Truran, D, Schuff, N, Aisen, PS, Weiner, MW and Alzheimer's Dis Neuroimaging, I Journal Neurobiology of Aging;
2019 Mid-sagittal plane detection for advanced physiological measurements in brain scans Bertacchini, F, Rizzo, R, Bilotta, E, Pantano, P, Luca, A, Mazzuca, A, Lopez, A and Alzheimers Dis, N Journal Physiological Measurement;
2019 Early versus late MCI: Improved MCI staging using a neuropsychological approach Edmonds, E. C., McDonald, C. R., Marshall, A., Thomas, K. R., Eppig, J., Weigand, A. J., Delano-Wood, L., Galasko, D. R., Salmon, D. P. and Bondi, M. W. Journal Alzheimers Dement;
2025 Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
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