ADNI publication pdfs can be searched by year, journal, author, or keyword using the search boxes below.
ADNI publication pdfs can be searched by year, journal, author, or keyword using the search boxes below.
4453 Total Publications
Year | Title | Author | Journal |
2011 | Intra-Individual Variability in Alzheimer's Disease and Cognitive Aging: Definitions, Context, and Effect Sizes | Tractenberg, R. E., & Pietrzak, R. H. | Journal PloS One; |
2011 | For debate: Substituting placebo controls in long-term Alzheimer's prevention trials | Spiegel, R., Berres, M., Miserez, A. R., & Monsch, A. U. | Journal Alzheimer's Research and Therapy; |
2011 | LoAd: A locally adaptive cortical segmentation algorithm | Cardoso, M. J., Clarkson, M. J., Ridgway, G. R., Modat, M., Fox, N. C., & Ourselin, S. | Journal Neuroimage; |
2011 | A Disease State Fingerprint for Evalutation of Alzheimer's Disease | Mattila, J., Koikkalainen, J., Virkki, A., Simonsen, A., van Gils, M., Waldemar, G., … Lötjönen, J. | Journal Journal of Alzheimer's Disease; |
2011 | Simultaneous Multiscale Registration using Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping. | Risser, L., Vialard, F.-X., Wolz, R., Murgasova, M., Holm, D. D., & Rueckert, D. | Journal IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging; |
2011 | Common variants at MS4A4/MS4A6E, CD2AP, CD33 and EPHA1 are associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease | Naj AC1, Jun G, Beecham GW, Wang LS, Vardarajan BN, Buros J, Gallins PJ, Buxbaum JD, Jarvik GP, Crane PK, Larson EB, Bird TD, Boeve BF, Graff-Radford NR, De Jager PL, Evans D, Schneider JA, Carrasquillo MM, Ertekin-Taner N, Younkin SG, Cruchaga C, Kauwe JS, Nowotny P, Kramer P, Hardy J, Huentelman MJ, Myers AJ, Barmada MM, Demirci FY, Baldwin CT, Green RC, Rogaeva E, St George-Hyslop P, Arnold SE, Barber R, Beach T, Bigio EH, Bowen JD, Boxer A, Burke JR, Cairns NJ, Carlson CS, Carney RM, Carroll SL, Chui HC, Clark DG, Corneveaux J, Cotman CW, Cummings JL, DeCarli C, DeKosky ST, Diaz-Arrastia R, Dick M, Dickson DW, Ellis WG, Faber KM, Fallon KB, Farlow MR, Ferris S, Frosch MP, Galasko DR, Ganguli M, Gearing M, Geschwind DH, Ghetti B, Gilbert JR, Gilman S, Giordani B, Glass JD, Growdon JH, Hamilton RL, Harrell LE, Head E, Honig LS, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Jicha GA, Jin LW, Johnson N, Karlawish J, Karydas A, Kaye JA, Kim R, Koo EH, Kowall NW, Lah JJ, Levey AI, Lieberman AP, Lopez OL, Mack WJ, Marson DC, Martiniuk F, Mash DC, Masliah E, McCormick WC, McCurry SM, McDavid AN, McKee AC, Mesulam M, Miller BL, Miller CA, Miller JW, Parisi JE, Perl DP, Peskind E, Petersen RC, Poon WW, Quinn JF, Rajbhandary RA, Raskind M, Reisberg B, Ringman JM, Roberson ED, Rosenberg RN, Sano M, Schneider LS, Seeley W, Shelanski ML, Slifer MA, Smith CD, Sonnen JA, Spina S, Stern RA, Tanzi RE, Trojanowski JQ, Troncoso JC, Van Deerlin VM, Vinters HV, Vonsattel JP, Weintraub S, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Williamson J, Woltjer RL, Cantwell LB, Dombroski BA, Beekly D, Lunetta KL, Martin ER, Kamboh MI, Saykin AJ, Reiman EM, Bennett DA, Morris JC, Montine TJ, Goate AM, Blacker D, Tsuang DW, Hakonarson H, Kukull WA, Foroud TM, Haines JL, Mayeux R, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Schellenberg GD | Journal Nat Genet; |
2011 | Value of neuropsychological tests, neuroimaging, and biomarkers for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease in younger and older age cohorts | Schmand, B., Eikelenboom, P., & van Gool, W. A. | Journal Journal of the American Geriatrics Society; |
2011 | A Learning-Based Wrapper Method to Correct Systematic Errors in Automatic Image Segmentation: Consistently Improved Performance in Hippocampus, Cortex and Brain Segmentation | Wang H1, Das SR, Suh JW, Altinay M, Pluta J, Craige C, Avants B, Yushkevich PA; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. | Journal Neuroimage; |
2011 | Transforming CSF Aβ42 measures into calculated Pittsburgh Compound B (PIBcalc) units of brain Aβ amyloid | Weigand, S. D., Vemuri, P., Wiste, H. J., Senjem, M. L., Pankratz, V. S., Aisen, P. S., … Initiative*, A. D. N. | Journal Alzheimer's and Dementia; |
2011 | Tissue Probability Map Constrained 4-D Clustering Algorithm for Increased Accuracy and Robustness in Serial MR Brain Image Segmentation | Xue, Z, Shen, D, Li, H and Wong, S | Journal Int J Med Eng Inform; |