
ADNI publication pdfs can be searched by year, journal, author, or keyword using the search boxes below.

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4453 Total Publications

Year Title Author Journal
2021 Accelerated functional brain aging in pre-clinical familial Alzheimer's disease Gonneaud, J, Baria, AT, Pichet Binette, A, Gordon, BA, Chhatwal, JP, Cruchaga, C, Jucker, M, Levin, J, Salloway, S, Farlow, M, Gauthier, S, Benzinger, TLS, Morris, JC, Bateman, RJ, Breitner, JCS, Poirier, J, Vachon-Presseau, E and Villeneuve, S Journal Nat Commun;
2021 A deep learning framework identifies dimensional representations of Alzheimer's Disease from brain structure Yang, Z, Nasrallah, IM, Shou, H, Wen, J, Doshi, J, Habes, M, Erus, G, Abdulkadir, A, Resnick, SM, Albert, MS, Maruff, P, Fripp, J, Morris, JC, Wolk, DA and Davatzikos, C Journal Nat Commun;
2021 The association between hippocampal volume and memory in pathological aging is mediated by functional redundancy Langella, S, Mucha, PJ, Giovanello, KS, Dayan, E and Initiative, AsDN Journal Neurobiology of Aging;
2021 Regional relationships between CSF VEGF levels and Alzheimer's disease brain biomarkers and cognition Tubi, MA, Kothapalli, D, Hapenney, M, Feingold, FW, Mack, WJ, King, KS, Thompson, PM, Braskie, MN and Initiative, AsDN Journal Neurobiology of Aging;
2021 MRI-based Alzheimer's disease prediction via distilling the knowledge in multi-modal data Guan, H, Wang, CY and Tao, DC Journal Neuroimage;
2021 rPOP: Robust PET-only processing of community acquired heterogeneous amyloid-PET data Iaccarino, L, La Joie, R, Koeppe, R, Siegel, BA, Hillner, BE, Gatsonis, C, Whitmer, RA, Carrillo, MC, Apgar, C, Camacho, MR, Nosheny, R and Rabinovici, GD Journal Neuroimage;
2021 Fast mesh data augmentation via Chebyshev polynomial of spectral filtering Huang, SG, Chung, MK, Qiu, A and Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging, I Journal Neural Netw;
2021 Tensorizing GAN With High-Order Pooling for Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Yu, W, Lei, B, Ng, MK, Cheung, AC, Shen, Y and Wang, S Journal IEEE Trans Neural Netw Learn Syst;
2021 A Novel Bayesian Semi-parametric Model for Learning Heritable Imaging Traits Zhao, Y, Zhao, X, Kim, M, Bao, J and Shen, L Journal Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv;
2021 Intrinsic Brain Activity of Inferior Temporal Region Increased in Prodromal Alzheimer_s Disease With Hearing Loss Hong, L, Zeng, Q, Li, K, Luo, X, Xu, X, Liu, X, Li, Z, Fu, Y, Wang, Y, Zhang, T, Chen, Y, Liu, Z, Huang, P and Zhang, M Journal Front Aging Neurosci;
2025 Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
This website is funded by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative