
ADNI publication pdfs can be searched by year, journal, author, or keyword using the search boxes below.

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4453 Total Publications

Year Title Author Journal
2021 A conditional autoregressive model for genetic association analysis accounting for genetic heterogeneity Shen, X, Wen, Y, Cui, Y and Lu, Q Journal Statistics in Medicine;
2021 Regional brain atrophy and cognitive decline depend on definition of subjective cognitive decline Morrison, C, Dadar, M, Shafiee, N, Villeneuve, S and Collins, DL Journal NeuroImage: Clinical;
2021 Classification of Alzheimer's disease using ensemble of deep neural networks trained through transfer learning Tanveer, M, Rashid, AH, Ganaie, M, Reza, M, Razzak, I and Hua, K-L Journal IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics;
2021 Imaging Genetics Study Based on a Temporal Group Sparse Regression and Additive Model for Biomarker Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Huang, MY, Chen, XM, Yu, YW, Lai, HR and Feng, QJ Journal Ieee Transactions on Medical Imaging;
2021 Power and sample size for random coefficient regression models in randomized experiments with monotone missing data Hu, N, Mackey, H and Thomas, R Journal Biometrical Journal;
2021 Temporal Dynamics of Beta-amyloid Accumulation in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease Jagust, WJ, Landau, SM and Initiative, AsDN Journal Neurology;
2021 Hippocampal shape and asymmetry analysis by cascaded convolutional neural networks for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis Li, A, Li, F, Elahifasaee, F, Liu, M and Zhang, L Journal Brain Imaging Behav;
2021 Dynamic brain fluctuations outperform connectivity measures and mirror pathophysiological profiles across dementia subtypes: A multicenter study Moguilner, S, Garcia, AM, Perl, YS, Tagliazucchi, E, Piguet, O, Kumfor, F, Reyes, P, Matallana, D, Sedeno, L and Ibanez, A Journal Neuroimage;
2021 White matter hyperintensities segmentation using the ensemble U-Net with multi-scale highlighting foregrounds Park, G, Hong, J, Duffy, BA, Lee, J-M and Kim, H Journal NeuroImage;
2021 FDG-PET assessment of the locus coeruleus in Alzheimer's disease Liu, KY, Acosta-Cabronero, J, Hong, YT, Yi, YJ, Hammerer, D, Howard, R and Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging, I Journal Neuroimage Rep;
2025 Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
This website is funded by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative