
ADNI publication pdfs can be searched by year, journal, author, or keyword using the search boxes below.

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4453 Total Publications

Year Title Author Journal
2020 Performance gains with Compute Unified Device Architecture-enabled eddy current correction for diffusion MRI Maller, JJ, Grieve, SM, Vogrin, SJ and Welton, T Journal Neuroreport;
2020 CSF cutoffs for MCI due to AD depend on APOE epsilon 4 carrier status Marizzoni, M, Ferrari, C, Babiloni, C, Albani, D, Barkhof, F, Cavaliere, L, Didic, M, Forloni, G, Fusco, F, Galluzzi, S, Hensch, T, Jovicich, J, Marra, C, Molinuevo, JL, Nobili, F, Parnetti, L, Payoux, P, Ranjeva, JP, Ribaldi, F, Rolandi, E, Rossini, PM, Salvatore, M, Soricelli, A, Tsolaki, M, Visser, PJ, Wiltfang, J, Richardson, JC, Bordet, R, Blin, O and Frisoni, GB Journal Neurobiology of Aging;
2020 Targeting the uncertainty of predictions at patient-level using an ensemble of classifiers coupled with calibration methods, Venn-ABERS, and Conformal Predictors: A case study in AD Pereira, T, Cardoso, S, Guerreiro, M, Mendonca, Ad and Madeira, SC Journal J Biomed Inform;
2020 Application of Deep Learning to Predict Standardized Uptake Value Ratio and Amyloid Status on (18)F-Florbetapir PET Using ADNI Data Reith, F, Koran, ME, Davidzon, G and Zaharchuk, G Journal AJNR Am J Neuroradiol;
2020 Improving brain age prediction models: incorporation of amyloid status in Alzheimer's disease Ly, M, Yu, GZ, Karim, HT, Muppidi, NR, Mizuno, A, Klunk, WE, Aizenstein, HJ and Alzheimers Dis Neuroimaging, I Journal Neurobiology of Aging;
2020 Associating Multi-Modal Brain Imaging Phenotypes and Genetic Risk Factors via a Dirty Multi-Task Learning Method Du, L, Liu, F, Liu, KF, Yao, XH, Risacher, SL, Han, JW, Saykin, AJ and Shen, L Journal Ieee Transactions on Medical Imaging;
2020 NeuroMark: An automated and adaptive ICA based pipeline to identify reproducible fMRI markers of brain disorders Du, YH, Fu, ZN, Sui, J, Gao, S, Xing, Y, Lin, DD, Salman, M, Abrol, A, Rahaman, MA, Chen, JY, Hong, LE, Kochunov, P, Osuch, EA, Calhoun, VD and Alzheimers Dis, N Journal Neuroimage-Clinical;
2020 Inflammation in Alzheimer's Disease: Do Sex and APOE Matter? Duarte-Guterman, P, Albert, AY, Inkster, AM, Barha, CK and Galea, LAM Journal J Alzheimers Dis;
2020 Decline in cognitively complex everyday activities accelerates along the Alzheimer's disease continuum Dubbelman, MA, Jutten, RJ, Farias, SET, Amariglio, RE, Buckley, RF, Visser, PJ, Rentz, DM, Johnson, KA, Properzi, MJ, Schultz, A, Donovan, N, Gatchell, JR, Teunissen, CE, Van Berckel, BNM, Van der Flier, WM, Sperling, RA, Papp, KV, Scheltens, P, Marshall, GA, Sikkes, SAM, Alzheimer Dis Neuroimaging, I, Natl Alzheimer's Coordinating, C, Harvard Aging Brain, S and Alzheimer Dementia, C Journal Alzheimers Research & Therapy;
2020 Characterization of Alzheimer Disease Biomarker Discrepancies Using Cerebrospinal Fluid Phosphorylated Tau and AV1451 Positron Emission Tomography Meyer, PF, Pichet Binette, A, Gonneaud, J, Breitner, JCS and Villeneuve, S Journal JAMA Neurol;
2025 Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
This website is funded by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative