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4453 Total Publications

Year Title Author Journal
2018 Group sparse reduced rank regression for neuroimaging genetic study Zhu, Xiaofeng, Suk, Heung-Il and Shen, Dinggang Journal World Wide Web;
2018 Evaluation of non-negative matrix factorization of grey matter in age prediction D. P. Varikuti, S. Genon, A. Sotiras, H. Schwender, F. Hoffstaedter, K. R. Patil, C. Jockwitz, S. Caspers, S. Moebus, K. Amunts, C. Davatzikos and S. B. Eickhoff Journal Neuroimage;
2018 Biological Factors Contributing to the Response to Cognitive Training in Mild Cognitive Impairment J. Peter, L. V. Schumacher, V. Landerer, A. Abdulkadir, C. P. Kaller, J. Lahr and S. Kloppel Journal J Alzheimers Dis;
2018 Alzheimer disease detection from structural MR images using FCM based weighted probabilistic neural network B. Duraisamy, J. V. Shanmugam and J. Annamalai Journal Brain Imaging Behav;
2018 Whole brain white matter histogram analysis of diffusion tensor imaging data detects microstructural damage in mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer's disease patients G. Giulietti, M. Torso, L. Serra, B. Spano, C. Marra, C. Caltagirone, M. Cercignani and M. Bozzali Journal J Magn Reson Imaging;
2018 Defining SNAP by cross-sectional and longitudinal definitions of neurodegeneration L. E. M. Wisse, S. R. Das, C. Davatzikos, B. C. Dickerson, S. X. Xie, P. A. Yushkevich and D. A. Wolk Journal Neuroimage Clin;
2018 KIKI‐net: cross‐domain convolutional neural networks for reconstructing undersampled magnetic resonance images T. Eo, Y. Jun, T. Kim, J. Jang, H. J. Lee and D. Hwang Journal Magnetic resonance in medicine;
2018 Sub-Network Kernels for Measuring Similarity of Brain Connectivity Networks in Disease Diagnosis B. Jie, M. Liu, D. Zhang and D. Shen Journal IEEE Transactions on Image Processing;
2018 The Importance of Nonlinear Transformations Use in Medical Data Analysis N. Shachar, A. Mitelpunkt, T. Kozlovski, T. Galili, T. Frostig, B. Brill, M. Marcus-Kalish and Y. Benjamini Journal JMIR Medical Informatics;
2018 Brain properties predict proximity to symptom onset in sporadic Alzheimer’s disease J. W. Vogel, E. Vachon-Presseau, A. Pichet Binette, A. Tam, P. Orban, R. La Joie, M. Savard, C. Picard, J. Poirier and P. Bellec Journal Brain;
2024 Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
This website is funded by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative